Follow through - cueing through the ball

Despite of what many players still think, it IS NOT ... addressing the cue ball high with the cue so that the cue ball will go forward after it hit the object ball.
What is it then? As shown in the picture is it nothing more or less than the cue still moving forward after it has hit the cue ball.
The length of the follow through has an impact on how the ball will react after it hit the object ball. The general idea is to perform a cue action where the cue glides through the cue ball. When a follow through is rather short, you can hear the difference of impact with the cue. Then, the pitch of the sound is higher.
A shorter cue action is used seldom. However, as we are confronted nowadays with extremely quick tables with very thin cloths, the length of the follow through has as even more bigger impact on our positional play. But still, we recommend always to cue with the intention to cue towards the object ball and not the cue ball.
This may sound a bit confusing … we have to hit the ball, but not with the intention to hit on the ball? Yes, indeed, that is how it should be done. Steve Davis already told us late 80’ies that a player has to hit the ball as if there is no ball. He was putting the emphasis on a cue movement towards the object ball.
When a cue is accelerating through the ball, it offers the cue ball to respond more. Actually, when the timing is correct you will notice that with less input you will get more output. Less = more. Cueing with a nice intention towards the object ball can also help to guide the cue in a straighter line as well.
So think twice how you want to extend your relationship with the cue
ball. While working on the correct timing you also have to make sure to maintain height of the cue as well.