Supporting arm on the table

Generally there are 2 versions. One with the supporting arm totally stretched and one where it is bended slightly. As long as it is not effecting the result negatively, you can follow your own feeling on this. But bear in mind there are huge differences in those 2 styles.
Slightly bending the arm has more advantages. Your head and body will lower more to the cue. Furthermore your body position will be closer and you will enable a larger supporting area on the table as the lower part of the arm is resting on it.
By stretching the
arm, to some occasions only the bridge hand is touching the table and will sense more pressure. Also stretching the arm is creating much more tensions in the upper part of the back as well as
shoulder area because of the shoulder that is being pushed towards the neck part.
However, an arm stretched can create a feeling of comfort because you get the impression the body is more solid this way. Be careful, in this case ‘more solid’ usually is not interacting well with suppleness. It is more like blocking things to prevent from happening.