Amongst all different stances, usually there are 2 basic stances; classic and modern stance (although modern already exists more than 20 years).
The main difference between both of them is that, with a classic stance the R foot (for R handed players) is placed on the ground slightly diagonal crossing the line of aim (L foot for L handed players). For as with the modern version this foot is pointing (almost) straight forward.
If a player should stand up straight with feet positioned in the modern stance he will be facing forward. Where as for the classic stance his body position will be slightly turned aside. (as indicating the green line below)
In the modern version the head is facing forward. So when the player is laying down his body he will look straight forward (but next to the line of aim!). In our classic version with a body posture slightly twisted, the head will near the line of aim, but is not facing forward. When executing a cueing body position the head should counter turn slightly in order to obtain good visibility on the line of aim. However, anatomically, the classic method is the one with less tension in the body. In the modern version players should move their head position a bit more aside towards the line of aim, by leaning a bit to aside and twisting joints in knee and ankle.
Just take into account that while positioning the feet, the distance to the table is very important. Placed too far, a player has the intention of leaning a bit forward and will experience too much pressure on the supporting arm resting on the table. Always seek balance and solidity to a certain degree.

Explanation concerning the pictures above. (R handed player)
The black dotted line stands for the line of aim or cueing direction. In this example the R foot is placed near or on this line.
The red line symbolises the position of the pelvis standing up straight. Position and direction of the pelvis is relatedd to the position of both feet. The green line indicates the viewing direction standing up straight.
The blue line represents the supporting arm on the table. Here you notice that in the modern position you have to twist your body more because of the position of the L foot. Check the difference on how the angle is formed by the blue and red line in both situations.