Elbow (cueing arm)
The elbow is a very important hinge point thjt is being directed by the cue hand.
For decades we all read and hear the elbow should be placed straight above the cue in order to cue straight. This is not always required. Lots of people control the cue ball with an elbow slightly dropping towards the body or to the outside. When your elbow is not straight above the cue, bringing it in this straight position could create a lot of tension in the upper part of the back or shoulder area. After a while these tensions could reduce partially or entirely.
Should they increase or hurt we recommend caution because a sports injury might be at hand. And always be alert not to over correct. Should you doubt, ask a player or coach to check this out for you.
My lower part of the cueing arm is straight on the cue which is indicating I should be able to cue straight.
Wrong! When everything placed straight on the cue you can still cue sideways. The body part that is controlling direction of the cue is not only the elbow, but far more the cue hand at the back. Both cue hand and elbow interact. The position of the elbow can determine the direction the cue hand is moving and vice versa.
Years ago we were told to fix the elbow during cue action. For decades Prosnooker is telling you otherwise. Look around! Almost everyone is showing movement of the elbow. When you watch carefully on television you notice the flexibility of the elbow. With each backswing it drops a bit, as well as at the end of the shot.

Hint !
It is far more important not to change the position of the elbow above the cue while cueing. Try to finish with it’s position the way you started with. Moving the elbow to the left or right while cueing can have a negative effect on the straightness of the shot.